🌟 Have you felt blindsided and devastated by your diagnosis… But now you feel ready to face this head on?

🌟Do you want to get off the emotional roller coaster ride? One minute you feel like “you’ve got this!” and the next you feel so defeated.

🌟 Do you feel like the odds are against you?

🌟 Do you second guess and doubt your medical decisions?

🌟Are you struggling to keep a positive mindset?

🌟 Do you find it hard to take it one day at a time?

🌟 Do you feel overwhelmed going to appointments, talking to the doctors and understanding the medical jargon?

🌟 Are you lacking a support system that understands what you’re going through?

🌟 Do you feel like there’s a better way than just “getting through it” and “hanging on” ?


Well, at least I used to when I was going through cancer and cancer treatment.

At some point in my healing journey, many of these feelings, beliefs and realities were very, very true for me.

I've been there.

And it sucked!

I’ve been so scared…. I had sleepless nights. I believed I was going to die young.

I feared the worst case scenario. I didn’t know I was going to make it.

I felt intimidated by the doctors. I didn’t know if I I made the right decisions. I felt like a victim to life.

I’ll never forget the day that I realised no one was coming to save me.

I realised the responsibility to heal fell on ME.

If I wanted to survive cancer and live, I had to step up and take charge.

When I finally took responsibility - that’s when I took my POWER BACK.

The fastest way to die is when you’re out of choices and feeling helpless and hopeless.

You see most people see themselves as passive patients.

Once diagnosed, they enter the medical world, they think they have no voice, no opinion or no choice.

They come out the other side, totally oblivious to what’s being done to them.

When treatment works, it’s great.

When it doesn’t, or when something goes wrong, someone makes a mistake, then all hell breaks loose.

You become a statistic to how the health care system has let you down.

You become the victim.

There’s no quicker way than losing your sense of agency than giving your power away to an authority - your doctor, oncologist or surgeon.

Your doctor isn’t the leader of your healing journey.


The truth is you have a choice. You can be a passive patient just like everyone else OR…..


And I’m guessing you’re here because you’re not like most people.

You’re resourceful AF.

You’re willing to do what it takes and you’re hell bent on doing everything you can to beat this.

You’ll give your left arm to beat this.

And it’s because you can’t imagine not being there for your kids (or your future kids)

It’s time to level up.

Your life is on the line. It’s time to bet on yourself.

It’s time to step up as the leader of your healing journey.

I don’t tell you what to do. I help you how to think. I help you how to become a leader.

When you manage your mind, when you manage your emotions, when you manage your medical team. That’s how you beat cancer. You don’t beat cancer with luck, a hope and a prayer.

You beat cancer with potent leadership.

Your biggest asset in your fight against cancer is your brain.

Your thoughts create your feelings.

Your feelings drives your actions.

Your actions create your results.

Coaching is like getting a mental makeover.

What do I mean by a mental makeover?

You have beliefs, behaviours and fears that aren’t supportive of your healing journey.

This includes how you think about cancer and what you believe about yourself.

They aren’t helping you feel empowered in your treatment and recovery.

When you change your mentality around cancer, you change your experience of cancer.

The words you speak, the emotions you hold, the attachments you have, the energy that you embody…

All make up your identity.

Who you’re BEING is more important than what you’re doing.

That’s why two people with the same diagnosis and the same treatment can have a different experience and outcome.



Cancer doesn’t have to be this stressful…

Imagine cancer treatment without the fear, doubt and worry.

Imagine feeling settled in your emotional state.

You finally realise that there’s nowhere you need to be but…RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW.

You’re totally present, focused, and committed in your treatment and recovery.

You’re off the emotional roller coaster ride and feel grounded in your energy.

You have objectivity and clarity in your decision making.

You’re building important life skills with every challenge, setback and wins.

You see a way through. You’re thriving in life WHILE you are healing. You’re a badass.

This is what happens when you become a CANCER BOSS.

You didn’t just get diagnosed with cancer.


First CANCER Boss then LIFE Boss.

You know that if you can handle this cancer thing like a pro, you can handle ANYTHING life throws at you.

It’s time to say goodbye to the part of you that feels like a victim,

the part of you that feels confused, overwhelmed, helpless and hopeless…

Cultivating trust, faith and confidence that you’re on the right path is about to become your new normal.


Show up as the leader of your healing journey.

Whether you’re going for a consult, a treatment session, or making important medical decisions, learn how to show up PREPARED.

Learn how to ask questions, and confidently and effectively communicate to your team.

Learn to understand the rationale behind your treatment plan, the details of your treatment, and do your due diligence to explore other possible alternatives.

✅ Deal with the emotions that come with diagnosis and treatment

Understand that feelings and emotions come from your thoughts.

Learn how to acknowledge and process your emotions in a healthy way.

✅ Critically evaluate medical advice so you make a decision that’s right for YOU.

Be able to evaluate whether you’re getting good or bad advice from your doctors.

Know when you have gaps in your knowledge and how to bridge the gap to make an informed decision.

How to partner with your doctors so that your vision and your doctor’s vision are aligned.

✅ Transform your fears, worry and doubt

You have thoughts and beliefs about your diagnosis and your ability to heal.

Whether you feel like a lost case, or you feel like you are too far gone,

I teach you how to identify any limiting and conditioned beliefs you have about cancer and the healing process.

Bust any beliefs that limit your choices and create new possibilities of healing.

✅ Bounce back from the bad days

Identify the thoughts, feelings and action that are causing you to go into the rabbit hole of doom and gloom.

It might be triggered from a test result you didn’t hope for or your body is feeling the side-effects from treatment.

Learn how to reframe results in a more objective light that is grounded in truth.

✅ Cultivate patient endurance

Learn how to LIVE while you are healing.

Develop the skill of patience and focus in the present moment.

Learn how to be comfortable in the discomfort of the cancer healing journey

Ready to become a Cancer Boss?

Let’s do this! - Book in a free 30 minute consult call to see if this program is right for you

1) Book in a time for a virtual zoom call that is convenient for you. We meet virtually in the convenience of your own home and time that suits your schedule.

2) Show up to a zoom call appointment. There’s no preparation needed. You don’t need to get done up. Just you in a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed. We will chat about your goals and vision for your healing journey and I will help you find clarity on your blocks around overcoming Fear of Recurrence.

Who Am I?

I’m Trifina Sofian, certified life coach, neurolinguistic programming practitioner and triple negative breast cancer survivor.

Today, I help many clients step up and become a Cancer Boss.

Ever since going through cancer, I have transformed my identity - from seeing myself as the victim of my life, I now see myself as the leader of my life. And it’s all thanks to the skills and wisdom of self-leadership that I developed during cancer treatment.

Going through cancer isn’t a waste of time. This work of cultivating self-leadership will have a ripple effect far beyond your cancer experience. It will improve so many aspects of your life such as your relationships, career, finances, health the list goes on and on.

The key to living a great life is knowing how to lead yourself through life’s challenges. And now is the perfect opportunity to learn the skills of leadership - even if you’ve never done so before.

So today I want to invite you to start your transformation.

This will be the start of your new life where you’re in the driver’s seat, and you’re in control of your life.

Not sure if this program is a right fit? No problem.

Book a discovery call with me HERE.

Bring your questions and concerns and we’ll figure out if this program is for you.


Send me your enquiry using the form below and I’ll get back to you within 1 business day.


  • The program is US$599/month. I understand that you might not be familiar with my coaching style so you can start off with single sessions to begin with. Book in a free consult to get started

  • We meet every week, payments are made monthly and you can cancel anytime.

  • It’s completely normal to be nervous when you haven’t done something before. The whole point of coaching is so you have more control over your mind and emotions - not less. So relax, you’ll feel so much better after a coaching session.

  • If you’re not happy for any reason then I will give you your money back. So there’s no risk to you for enrolling.